Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Finance and Operations: grants

Allen: may have noticed the number of grants included in the budget document
full budget reconciliation report for when the city does their tax recap process

  • changes to the final state budget
  • changes to charter school assessment
  • final state grants
  • impact of city free cash
  • net final position for FY15
Novick: concerns
Allen; unfreezing of sequestration
if it comes back, could be another significant reduction to grants
Lombardi: extra 1/2 cup of fruit and vegetable mandated for breakfast
concerns with others doing breakfast in the classrooms
Ramirez: are the kids eating?
Lombardi: it depends. Vegetables at breakfast don't go over very well.
Foley: still budgeting 1%
short $800,000, then, as city takes 3%

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