Thursday, December 3, 2015

Coordinated Program Review report

Rodrigues: I promise this is going to be fast (We got over 200 pages of backup)
"magnitude and intensity" of reviewne with school

happens every six years; last done in 2009
22 schools, 84 classrooms, visited, over 265 interviews with staff, students, parents
hundreds of documents reviewed
families surveyed
district has to create a corrective action plan
Title IIA was only in draft format: down to one item out of eleven
McKinney-Vento: more informal process
"Two items or more constituted a 'partly implemented'"
in civil rights five items were not having "gender identity" in forms (and now has been fixed)
another item was the day the seniors get do
all items under special education should be resolved with PD, process, and also SAGE IEPs
in the safety survey (of the vocational items) only 6 items remain to be addressed; "were a lot of items that were corrected even during the visit" (and for the 6, waiting for the items to arrive)
Title IIA only remaining it is about protocols with private schools
DESE "very impressed with how we use our funding"
were invited to be a speaker and present about our practices in using Title IIA
"complimentary also to folks from the grants office"
Corrective Action Plan is due December 14
statement of assurance to be signed by superintendent and SC chair
must demonstrate resolution as soon as possible, but no more than one year after plan
refer all Corrective Action Plans to TLSS for updates and monitoring

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