Friday, November 21, 2014

Meetings next week

While it's a short school week next week--Worcester has school only on Monday and Tuesday--there are two meetings of note.
  • On Monday, the Governance and Employee Issues standing committee meets at 4:30 PM in the Durkin Administration Building. You can find the agenda here. Title I parents advisory council, Bill H450 on teaching health, the WPS social media policy, the Byrne grant, and aligning our evaluation process with our elections are all on the agenda. 
  • On Tuesday, the Massachusetts Board of Ed has their regular monthly meeting. You can find the agenda here. They are voting on the waiver for a Brockton charter school.* They're also getting an update from Lawrence, voting on opening proposed changes to the vocational regs to public comment, getting a progress report on "Intergrating College and Career Readiness,"**receiving an update on proposed on amendments on restraint and seclusion, receiving the 2014 report on teacher evaluation, and receiving a report on Level 5 schools. And yes, I'm going, and yes, I'll be blogging. 

*They've decided the Fitchburg one can just roll forward, as they've now gerrymandered the district it's drawing from to make it a "bottom 10% district"
**Sorry for the quotes. I have trouble taking that very seriously. 

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