Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Report on the North High funding

report is here
Biancheria: difference between purchasing equipment under chapter 74 funds or with MSBA funds?
Boone: North wasn't chapter 74 approved when it opened; needed equipment and facilities to gain that
Allen: part of MSBA funding allows for chapter 74 area of the school to be outfitted with MSBA funds
Biancheria: if the equipment needs replacing, does it come from chapter 74?
Allen: would come through a recommendation from administration and approved by School Committee
Boone: used for additional staffing needed by program
Biancheria: music and art room furniture and equipment; how do we look at that equipment? who decides it replacement?
Allen: all of these purchases were originated at the school level; former principal solicited input for what was needed; intend was not to take equipment over from the old school; "probably 99% or more than that was new"
Biancheria: $8710 remaining: principal can use?
Allen: school-based decision
city looking to close out account now that they have reconciled it (which is why it couldn't be spent for some time)

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