Thursday, June 6, 2013

School Committee account, crossing guards account, school clerical

Pass School Committee
Crossing guards: request by Biancheria to review the location of crossing guards before the fall
Boone: standing item requesting that
School clerical:
Colorio: are most of the positions stationary? is there an increase in salary?
Allen: had to lay off a number of people due to civil service requirements
new people, lower salaries
substitute coverage for secretaries (Novick question): Allen comments probably underfunded, account is a recent addition to this budget
Biancheria: are we looking at average or the accurate number?
Allen: actual salaries for next year
O'Connell: conversion to a full year at Claremont
Allen: level of service to school has not changed: account has
Administrative clerical:
Colorio: is the average salary that much higher for these secretaries?
Allen: school clerk works a school year; administration works a full year
all under collective bargaining agreement
O'Connell: grant position cut due to sequestration
Allen: grant level support to grants and nutrition
clerks assigned to work on grants will be charged to a grant account
is a net reduction in one position in finance and operations
Biancheria: systems administration
compare 2013 to 2014: is this an actual cost or is this an average costs?
Allen: FY14 represents the actual cost as projected
Boone: larger number of people, an average is more accurate; smaller number is more accurate
Biancheria: looking at actual, accurate numbers
Boone: numbers were accurate in terms of financing and planning
different approach
Allen: talking about two different things
FY13 as well as FY14 represents (both) accurate numbers
location based budget is done on average salaries, because we don't actually know who's going to be in which position in which school
Biancheria: Durkin Administration building brought to her attention by Councilors
changes in line items

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