Sunday, January 26, 2014

If you actually want to know about playgrounds

Coming in on Tuesday's Council agenda:

11d. Request City Manager advise the Standing Committee on Youth, Parks and Recreation relative to the best approach for parents to take if they would want to add, replace or upgrade a school playground with new, safe and modern playground equipment. Further, request the City Manager inform the Committee what liability issues exist regarding the purchase, installation and use of such school playground equipment. (Rosen)
School playgrounds are handled by the WPS School Facilities office (which has a growing history and a clear process for working with parents who want to fundraise to upgrade their playgrounds). Short answer then: call Mr. Bedard!
Odd to see this one going to the Manager...hope the referral changes to either Joint Committee or through us to the Superintendent. We've been fighting to escape from the days when we asked each administration questions that properly go to the other! 

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