Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Some things I really hope we get right in 2025

Let there be goblin hordes, let there be terrible environmental threats, let there be giant 
mutated slugs if you really must, but let there also be Hope. It may be a grim, thin hope, an Arthurian sword at sunset, but let us know that we do not live in vain.
Terry Pratchett, "When Children Read Fantasy"

As the turn of the calendar gives one of the "looking back/looking forward" opportunities, I thought I'd put together some hopes I have of this coming calendar year, if only, as the great Pratchett put it, to "know that we do not live in vain."

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Checking in on some major stories

  •  Sure seems like it was a wise decision for the Worcester City Council and Worcester School Committee to remove police from the Worcester Public Schools back in 2021 on the recommendation of then-City Manager Augustus during the superintendency of Maureen Binienda, doesn't it?

  • Barring action (or lack thereof) by the Governor, Lawrence, which hasn't had an empowered school committee since 2011, is on its way to no longer having a fully elected one, as the Senate passed the mayor's planned takeover of seats last week, after an 11th hour effort by Senator Fattman (who represents Southbridge) to stop it; cheers to Senators Jehlen and Elbridge who spoke in opposition as well. 
    We're well accustomed to blaming lack of local control of DESE; this one sits squarely on Lawrence City Hall collaborating with the state legislature. 

  • In this same "we're past extra innings" time, we also saw the school bus camera ticketing bill emerge from the Senate, and it's on Governor Healey's desk. It'll now be up to local districts to actually implement it (please take this as a hint to get ready to do so). 

  • The Education Law Center's 2024 "Making the Grade" report on school funding equity by state (using 2021-22 data) again demonstrates that Massachusetts isn't what it thinks of itself as:
    Yes, that's a D in both distribution and effort.

    Read the report itself for what those mean, but the ability of local communities to raise any kind of money they vote for just their school plus the Massachusetts devotion to increasing funding without any attachment to need, enrollment, or local ability to contribute combines to come home to roost here. We're perpetuating inequity, and far too much of the advocacy is pushing for more the same sort of increasing of disparities. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

No sugarplums

 with apologies, of course, to Clement C. Moore.

(not that kind of spin)

'Twas the Friday before Christmas
And all through the city
Not creature examined
A press release so pretty.

"Ten million!" it said
On every channel,
"For a difficult budget
we must work to handle!"

"More children," it said
"They must be supported,
"And our new Burncoat High
"we're funding!" it purported.

(Not mentioned as yet?
The head-scratching omission
From MSBA's list:
Burncoat Middle's addition?)

While free cash to schools
Is better than none
And planning for schools
Is better when done

The municipal spin
On this was nearly transcension
And lest we be left
Under misapprehension:

Our city, like all
throughout our fair state,
Is required 
To pull its fair weight.

This 'foundation budget'
Most far exceed.
Worcester, alas, 
Does not follow this lead.

Cutting so close
Puts us in constant peril,
And this year, indeed,
The shave was too narrow.

Yet to be sure the students'
Highest needs were met
Buses are sent
To a greater extent.

Out-of-district tuition
May count; buses don't.
And so the dollars moved
Where the press release won't.

It may not make headlines
As nicely as that,
But being unclear
The reasons fall flat.

When the public is not given
The facts of the case
We cannot make good decisions
And we're aren't in our place

Of being good watchdogs
And being prepared
For FY26
And all that entails.

Let me give here a nod
'Fore I close out this verse:
Worry less about spin
More about what you disburse.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Love it, hate it, read it: DESE on what happens now

 The blog post title swiped, as some may remember, from Worcester Magazine, which used it as a tag line for a number of years. You may not like what you're reading here, but we ignore the state governing body (which they are!) at our peril. 

I don't go to those meetings for my health.

If you were following yesterday's liveblogging or read the MASC update from Tuesday's Board of Ed meeting, you may have caught just how much of a muddle we've been left in through the passage of the ballot question removing the MCAS as the state's competency determination. 
And it took until now, but with articles in State House News Service, Commonwealth Beacon, Boston Herald, and MassLive, it appears that maybe now this may be becoming more widespread information. 

Am I going to say that I told you so? Yes, I am

As a reminder, here's what the passage of the ballot question has left us with as a state law: 

all slides are from Tuesday's presentation at the Board of Ed

The meetings where I agree with Marty West are few and far between, but his characterization of this as "a mess" is, as I said in my earlier post on this, absolutely correct. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Buses are an equity issue: in music

 Last spring, Jefferson County Schools in Kentucky (the district that includes Louisville) announced that they'd be cutting bus service this past fall for schools that were not the schools of the students' residence. Two parents took the district to court. Even with those cuts, the district still didn't have enough drivers for this fall.

One group of students protested the decision in a more musical fashion:

This was just brought to my attention this week, and it was too good not to share! I also cannot find any further updates; let me know if you do. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Board of Ed: competency determination

 anticipate bringing recommendations to Board in February

Board of Ed: vocational tuition

 per pupil increase in coming fiscal year to $13,114 with $75 per pupil 
delegate authority to Commissioner to raise in FY26 in line with inflation

approved unanimously without discussion

Board of Ed: CTE admission subcommittee

 chaired by West who starts by thanking everyone
"are changes needed to promote more access" to vocational schools in the Commonwealth
this is West, Fisher, Rocha, Hills

Board of Ed for December: vision and mission

 Johnston: in 2023, planned for 2023-24 year
finalized educational vision "to better align our projects"
catalog of aligned supports 
"this is ongoing work...turning a shift together"

Board of Ed for December: Luisa Sparrow, Mass Teacher of the Year

 Luisa Sparrow, who teaches fifth and sixth grade students with disabilities at the Oliver Hazard Petty School in South Boston

Johnston in introducing her praises her for her presumption of competence in her students

Board of Ed for December: update on search

Ariana Williams, Issacson Miller
position profile has been finalized and is posted
applications and nominations are coming in
screening committee will meet several times before March to review materials
spending day at DESE for those

Craven: "it's a very transparent process"
"the website is the best way to get information to Issacson Miller"
Craven: "basically this process is an open book"
Moriarty asks if seeing applications coming in
application does not necessarily close
Craven: goal is to have finalists "following the season"
(I have no idea what this means)

Johnston: not applying
"sincerely an effort to get the very best person TO apply"

Hills: "in my experience, this is very unusual"
"think of how you're going to answer how some number of candidates are going to ask" about Johnston not applying
"you figure out how you're going to handle this"
"not hearing a bunch of people ask the question doesn't mean there aren't a lot of people asking this"

Board of Ed for December: opening comments

 The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education meets today in Everett at 9 AM. You can find the agenda here

It is a positive FESTIVAL of faces here at the meeting today...MA Teacher of the year, past student rep Ela Gardiner (home from college! Yay, Ela!), loads of voke superintendents, an MTA group (and that's just who I recognize)...

Monday, December 16, 2024

It is a big day in Worcester news

 ...as Worcester-born and -raised Frances Perkins is scheduled to have a national monument, a still-unusual honor for a woman!

 President Joe Biden will sign a proclamation Monday establishing a national monument honoring the late FDR-era Labor Secretary Frances Perkins, the first woman appointed to serve in a presidential Cabinet and a driving force behind the New Deal, according to the White House.

Biden is expected to visit the Labor Department on Monday to formally make the announcement and sign the proclamation that will establish the monument in Newcastle, Maine, the White House said.

Perkins is of course also a Worcester Public Schools graduate, as she graduated from Classicial High School before attending Mount Holyoke College.  

Friday, December 13, 2024

Check out Moody's

 I have a backlog of "nooo, that's not how this works" comments on budget articles, which I hope to get to, but in the meantime, do read about Moody's outlook for next year. I suspect it doesn't have a lot we don't already know, but sometimes "oh, it isn't just me" can be reassuring:

A main factor for slow revenue growth, Moody’s said, is the expiration of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief allocations that helped schools recover from pandemic setbacks. American Rescue Plan allocations under ESSER — which at a total of $121.9 billion were the last and largest of the three COVID emergency aid packages approved by Congress for K-12 schools — must be spent by Jan. 28, 2025, unless districts receive a spending extension

That, coupled with rising staffing costs, means the median operating fund balance ratio — the available fund balance as a percentage of operating revenue — is expected to drop from 26% in 2024 to 24% in 2025. According to Moody’s and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, public education employment now exceeds pre-pandemic levels, and compensation growth in K-12 has outpaced the private sector.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

TL/DR on the revenue hearing

 I'd sum it up as "We feel pretty good about where revenue is heading next year EXCEPT for the giant unknown of the federal government, which YIKES."

On the Commissioner's search

 I do not know more than this, but Acting Commissioner Johnston has made it known that he does not plan to apply.

This is a change from what was understood earlier on in the process.

Hey don't sleep on Lynn's fight over charter expansion?

 Hey, all, remember how we in Worcester argued, along with much else, that OSV wasn't a "proven provider" as a charter school, and thus shouldn't be expanded?
And remember how DESE ignored us and did it anyway?

Lynn's currently having a similar argument over a proposed expansion of KIPP Charter in their city. The mayor, superintendent, and teachers' union president were at the Board of Ed last month, arguing this. You can find good coverage in Commonwealth Beacon here

The right answer, of course, is for the Acting Commissioner not to recommend the expansion. If it goes to the Board, we'll have to argue that they vote it down.

...which is time to remind us all that the Governor should really appoint three new members...

Monday, December 2, 2024

Sunday, December 1, 2024

When what you've heard isn't the case: busting some common misconceptions on the Student Opportunity Act

First required xkcd:

I'd like one of the major issues in education, too, but all I can do is in my little corner of the universe.

With the consensus revenue hearing on Monday, we are about to kick off the FY26 budget season here in Massachusetts, which will be the fifth of six years of implementation of the Student Opportunity Act revision.

...and yet, still I hear some of the same misconceptions and misunderstandings circulating about the SOA. 
So, as we enter that season, here's a counter to some common things I hear.

Do you want the good news or the bad news?

 First, the bad news --some recent headlines in the education press:

And yes, a bill has now been filed to end the U.S. Department of Education. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Commissioner's screening committee

As they meet for the first time on Monday, the list of screening committee members for the search for the next Commissioner has now been posted, and I think it may be more heavily stacked with privatizers than the previous one, which was rather remarkable for that.

It's also odd to me that at least three members of the Board are timed off--they're not even lame ducks, as the law doesn't recognize that!--and we're all pretending it's perfectly normal that the law noting that they need to be off is just being ignored whilst they go on with choosing the next leader of K-12 education in the state. 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Guardian column on Linda McMahon

 Useful read in the Guardian on how Linda McMahon's relative normalcy (relative of course carries a great deal in this Cabinet) is part of what makes her a threat:

There is an illusion at play here. McMahon will be held up as a “reasonable” woman. But given that she works for Trump, her reasonableness is nothing more than “kayfabe”.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Avoiding discrimination in the use of AI: new Office for Civil Rights guidance

 Just released this week from the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights is new guidance on avoiding discrimination in the use of AI. The document offers 22 scenarios in which an investigation would result. Reading them, they sound a lot like what is not being thought enough about in schools.
Here, for example, is the third one: 

 Teachers at a middle school often rely on non-contracted, online third-party applications and websites to translate and interpret for parents who have LEP. Some of these applications leverage AI to translate or interpret. A parent complains to the school’s principal that they have been unable to communicate with their child’s teacher regarding the child’s academic and behavioral progress in class due to incoherent translations. The school does not investigate or attempt to resolve the parent’s concern. OCR would likely have reason to open an investigation based on this complaint. Based on the facts, as alleged, the school may not be ensuring meaningful communication with parents who have LEP in a language the parents can understand.  

Or how about this one: 

 A school district allows schools in the district to use a generative AI tool to write Section 504 Plans for students with disabilities. The school district does not have any policies regarding how to use the tool or how to ensure that the group of knowledgeable people responsible for evaluating a student review what the AI produces to determine whether it meets the individual needs of each student. One school begins using the tool to create Section 504 Plans for all students with diabetes. School staff do not review or modify the generated Section 504 Plans and begin implementing them, and they inform parents that they believe AI tools make more effective choices than people. A local group of parents of students with diabetes at that school files a complaint with the school district stating that their students’ Section 504 Plans’ provisions look almost identical and, in some cases, do not match the specific needs of their children. The school district states that they defer to the school’s decision on how to utilize AI tools and does not investigate further. OCR would have reason to open this complaint for investigation. Based on the facts, as alleged, students may not have been provided with FAPE because their 504 plans may not have been designed to meet their individual educational needs.  

You can read K-12 Dive on this here.

As I have said, we are not thinking enough about what we are doing here. 

FY26 kickoff is December 2

 The state's official start of discussing next fiscal year is the Consensus Revenue Hearing, which this year, per State House News, will be December 2. 

No further info yet (they've been having them as at least partly remote meetings), but more as I have it.

McSweeney's on McMahon

 Because satire helps

Make no mistake: I intend to bring my experience running the WWE to our schoolchildren, and we’ll overhaul the public school system on day one. Change in our schools must start with how we allocate our funds. The education budget is out of control. So rest assured that under my leadership, teachers will no longer have a salary, books will be pay-per-view, and the budget for folding chairs will be $390 trillion.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

what percentage of each state's education funding comes from the federal government?

 Nice graph here

Massachusetts is to the right of Maryland. (I didn't do a screenshot of that, as the red states disappear.)
Note that the red states are to the right because they, in the main, spend less from other resources on public education.

Cassandra speaks: what we just got when the state passed question 2

 During my first term on the Worcester School Committee, a colleague referred to me in deliberation as "Cassandra.*" For those not up on their classics, Cassandra was the Trojan prophetess cursed by Apollo with prophetic powers that were always correct, but never believed. She of course foresaw the downfall of her home city.
I've occasionally thought of retitling this blog "Cassandra speaks" but a) I'm not always right and b) sometimes I'm believed.
However, on 2024's question 2...
As always, the following is just me.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

I don't even know what's satire anymore

 Per CNN

Trump transition co-chair Linda McMahon is expected to be named as secretary of the Department of Education, four sources familiar with the matter told CNN.

While McMahn did serve as the administrator of the Small Business Administration during Trump’s first term, she is of course best known as former executive and founder of World Wrestling Entertainment. More recently, she has been chairing the America First Policy Institute
Please do not claim she has education experience by citing the single year she served on Connecticut's Board of Education.
And yes, she also has a sexual assault scandal alongside her ex-husband.
Per The Guardian, she donated $814,600 to Trump's campaign.

November Board of Ed: vision

I cannot read these slides at all and there is no shared backup
advancing student learning
high dosage tutoring: saw in Waltham
what makes high dosage tutoring work
use and development of technology
scheduling is huge "every day, ready to go"
investment to take root

Moriarty: only one district hasn't answer in K-8 range
"sometimes 'see something say something;"
(it was charter schools he was calling out last month)

Johnston asked why they didn't answer: don't have the infrastructure "larger districts do"
and the smaller ones?

Virtual meeting the evening of December 16 (we don't know why yet)
Next regular meeting December 17 back in Everett


November Board of Ed: Commissioner search and budget and virtual schools funding

 holding Felix Virtual School item for future meeting
updating as we go

November Board of Ed: on Holyoke

 on to Holyoke

but first a student performance; a section of "Miss Nelson is Missing" which Holyoke High performed this past week

updating as we go

November Board of Ed in Holyoke: opening comments

 Coming to you live today from Holyoke High School, home of the Knights, making a nice change from the last time I was at a Board of Ed meeting in Holyoke when they were voting on receivership.

The agenda for today is here; don't expect it to start on time.
The high school (not uncommonly!) has social media blocked, so I am going to update here rather than try to update on social media.

updating as we go...

There's a certain Worcester symmetry


...to the first of the city of Worcester needing to cover Polar Park payments coming at the same meeting as the first round of borrowing for a new Burncoat. While the memo regarding the stadium is full of assurances that all will be fine, the one from the Manager on Burncoat closes:

Borrowing for this project will potentially increase the municipality’s current debt by 25%. The municipality must carefully consider ways to reduce borrowing and increase both revenues and reserves to mitigate the potential impact on the City’s taxpayers. 

Framing is an interesting thing, isn't it.

 There's also an interesting note in the free cash allocation:

$7,585,935.00 to the Worcester Public Schools:  For FY25, I am proposing that the Worcester Public Schools and municipality divide the remaining funds to support operating and capital expenses.  As you know, FY25 was a difficult budget year for Worcester Public Schools due to increased students and rising City of Worcester obligations. While the municipality provided more than $1.8 million at the close of FY24 to address Net School Spending shortfalls, the Superintendent and I have been in communication about additional Worcester Public Schools costs that we believe will not meet Net School Spending requirements and therefore will exacerbate the existing shortfall. This appropriation should bring the City above the required Net School Spending amount of $127.7 million, as long as the funds are used to support Net School Spending eligible activities. I am working with the Superintendent to determine the highest and best use of these funds that will ensure the City meets its financial obligations to public education. 

The flag that goes up in my mind from the first quarter report is out of district transportation, as transportation doesn't count towards NSS, but it would be interesting to know. In any case, Worcester appears to once again be walking the line on meeting minimum obligation, though at least now it is being attended to. 

We could, of course, not minimally fund schools and then we wouldn't have this issue.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Because we have to take our joy where we can

 ...I do want to be sure others appreciate the "pick me" energy coming from Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters, one presumes in pursuit of the Secretary of Education position. 

It's no good pointing out that if there is no Department of Education, there will be no Secretary of Education; this isn't a crew that thinks this way. 

In any case, last month, it made news when Oklahoma's Department of Education issued bid documents for Bibles for every classroom that could only be answered by Trump Bibles, a bid which within the week then was amended, as that would violate state bid laws. Walters has since announced that 500 Bibles have been purchased for AP Gov classes, which I'm sure those students will find not at all useful for their classes.

This week, Walters announced the creation of a new Office of Religious Liberty and Patriotism (it's always a tell when the state page features a photo of the head of the department), and then sent a video of his announcing this and then praying for President-elect Trump to every school district in the state, ordering them to show this video in every classroom. The Oklahoman reports that they've counted seven superintendents refusing, and they're backed by the state Attorney General whose spokesman said: 

Not only is this edict unenforceable, it is contrary to parents' rights, local control and individual free-exercise rights

So that's amazing!

Walters, of course, is being sued by teachers and parents seeking to overturn his mandate that the Bible be taught in public school classrooms. He's also been under several rounds of investigation

Note: I am sharing this in part because this week, there is a meme going around which compares Massachusetts to Oklahoma in terms of education, voting record, and other things. It is frequently being shared with a sneer.
Knock it off.
The resistance to Walters is coming from IN OKLAHOMA! That's local superintendents facing off against their state department, local parents and teachers suing! This stuff matters a lot.

And about those federal grants

Speaking of information Worcester is sharing neatly, if you look at the FY25 first quarter report, the federal grants have come through, and so there is this:

That, plus the accompanying narrative of course, gives some idea of what Worcester (second largest district in Massachusetts, about 25,000 students) gets from the federal government, though do remember it does not include school nutrition--free lunch is entirely federally funded in Worcester and like districts!-- which is another $17M for FY25.

So, figure $44M for Worcester, now that we're back to an average year.

And Worcester folks? Do take a look at that first quarter report while you're over there. My eyebrows went up. That's...an uncommon report. 

Board of Ed meets Monday and Tuesday

 and met Friday...this schedule is unsustainable. Monday's agenda (online only) is here; Tuesday's in Holyoke is here.

The extra meetings are the vocational admissions study sessions, and, while I did not see Friday's, my understanding is that it got...heated. The stats that DESE staff brought forward last month were not only eye-opening; they made it clear that we have a segregated system that is perpetuated by the admissions process. 

Here are the most noteworthy slides again:

Saturday, November 16, 2024

FY26 starts now. Inflation is estimated at 2.06%

The handful of us that peek ahead have been checking with some dread the implicit price deflator for state and local services, the U.S. Department of Commerce measurement whose rate of change determines the inflation rate for the foundation budget.

As Mr. Allen has provided a nice ('though not happy!) chart for the WPS subcommittee this week, let's use what he shares, as it is the crucial part of what we need to speak about for FY26 statewide: 


As goes Worcester, so goes the state in terms of the difference that this provides, again, between the expected increases in actual costs and the increases in the foundation budget. 

Those who are asking how this is still an issue with the Student Opportunity Act, by the way, are (intentionally?) ignoring the actual math. We're not getting the benefit of SOA if we continue to pretend this is a real inflationary increase. We're just using SOA increases, in the districts receiving them, the cover the annual increases of costs to school districts. This is not what was envisioned by the Foundation Budget Review Commission. 

The final paragraph makes the point from Worcester's perspective that was the central advocacy position of MASS, MASC, MTA, and AFT-MA last budget: the two years of capped inflation are skipped aid that isn't going to districts. As MassBudget calculated last year, most districts in Massachusetts would benefit from this skipped inflation being recognized, and in actual aid increases, not in per pupil minimums that too often become the talking point in budget season.

Advocacy starts now. 

Friday, November 15, 2024

Read "The Atlantic" on Lucy Calkins

 ...because what is described there is precisely what we see with Massachusett's "curriculum map" of "the right curricula" to teach and what we saw last night at Worcester School Committee with the idea that "we are doing EITHER this OR that" when that shouldn't be how classrooms work.

Gift link is here.

The science of reading started as a neutral description of a set of principles, but it has now become a brand name, another off-the-shelf solution to America’s educational problems. The answer to those problems might not be to swap out one commercial curriculum package for another—but that’s what the system is set up to enable.

And it isn't that simple, as much as legislators and those who make fancy maps for DESE might want it to be. 

Thursday, November 14, 2024

"But can he...?": Looking ahead at a second Trump administration

image of a card at Target
It simply reads "ugh"

This post is based on the following principles:

  1. Despair, psychologically, makes us powerless. If we view something as impossible, we teach ourselves not to act. Things are not a given; all changes require actual action from many people. We cannot give up in advance. 
    I'm not going to do that.

  2. Donald Trump is many things, and among them is erratic (which only increased during this past campaign) and lazy. We do not yet know who in his circle will have actual power, but we do know from last time that people tend not to keep it long.

  3. We live under a federal system, and changing that would require changing the U.S. Constitution. Education is a power largely left to the states.

  4. Most of the power of the federal government under this system of government--which, again, cannot be changed without Constitutional change, which is beyond the power of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches even together!--is coercive; that is, they cannot force states and educational agencies to behave particular ways, but they can offer inducements to act in that fashion. 

  5. Schools are greatly impacted, always, by the reality that surrounds them. If you are as old as me, you may remember the old ad for the Yellow Pages: "If it's out there, it's in here." That is also true of schools.

  6. Our charge in public education remains to create and sustain a system that nurtures every student as and who they are. We aren't giving up on anyone, anywhere. 

With me so far? 
I also, as always, speak only for me, and I speak only from what I know. I don't have a crystal ball, but here's the thing: neither does anyone else. 


Monday, November 11, 2024

🚩🚩🚩for schools now

Consider this the red flag for schools now: 

Girls in schools report being harassed in school, online, and elsewhere, part of a larger trend of misogyny exploding online since Tuesday

LGBTQ teen suicide hotlines have seen a spike since Tuesday.

Racist texts were sent to Black people nationally after Tuesday, including to children in Massachusetts.

For all of us in education, this is result of Tuesday. And it is now our problem. 

Two or three things Massachusetts (and other states) could do now on education

ID 204641933 © Iulian Dragomir | Dreamstime.com

Quick post as I see this being discussed:

  •  The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education should affirm that the state WILL NOT accept federal dollars conditionalized on bigotry, denial of history, or other unacceptable things. They could, in fact, use the introduction to the state's educational vision, which Acting Commissioner Johnston cited in his message to superintendents on Wednesday:
    We will continue to work with districts, schools, and educators to promote teaching and learning that is antiracist, inclusive, multilingual, and multicultural; that values and affirms each and every student and their families; and that creates equitable opportunities and experiences for all students, particularly those who have been historically underserved.
  • The state legislature and governor should commit to ensuring any federal dollars lost through commitment to all students are supplanted through state means. 
    Nationally, federal funding is about 10% of K-12 funding. This is a lift, but it is do-able
A third thing which would work in Massachusetts, but won't work everywhere, is a commitment jointly by the Attorney General and the Department to enforce state civil rights protections in schools. 

This is from me, as me, etc etc etc. Much more coming in this vein, but in the realm of "let's get moving," here's a start. 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

A couple of election-related education stories you may have missed this week

 I'm planning on doing both a "because careful what you wish for/gosh, I wish people would actually read my Board of Ed coverage" post on Question 2 and a "we can't know but here are my guesses" on the coming presidential term, but in the meantime, let's start with some good things that maybe you missed:

Thursday, November 7, 2024


 It is being REALLY poorly publicized, but there is movement in the Commissioner's search AND IT IS TIME TO WEIGH IN!

  1. There is now a survey. If you scroll down here, it is in multiple languages. Take it. Share it.

  2. There are three public input sessions AND THEY ARE SOON: 

      1. Saturday, November 9 (aka: the day after tomorrow)
        9- 11 AM
        Worcester State University (Eager Auditorium in the Sullivan Academic Center)

      2. Tuesday, November 12 (next Tuesday)
        3:30 - 5 PM
        Bunker Hill Community College (Room C-202)

      3. Thursday, November 14 (next Thursday)
        7 - 9 PM
        online: register here
It is always possible that if people complain, they'll add (these are too quick, poorly publicized, not enough places, and mostly lousy times), 'though I'd never count on it. At least take the survey! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Quickly, two "what about education" reads this morning

 I'm at the annual joint MASC/MASS Conference this week, so I have very little time, but I did want to link to two "what about education" election reads this morning:

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

October Board of Ed: advancing student learning (the "vision" section)

 and Johnston opens with what was clearly "class you're still talking" voice

This is the "educational vision" section

October Board of Ed: accountability update

 on underperforming and chronically underperforming schools


October Board of Ed: on the commissioner's search

 search process is underway with Isaacson, Miller


...have been appointed to the search (screening) committee)

interviews with Board members

PUBLIC SURVEY GOING LIVE TODAY which I will link to when I find it

Now linked! 

October Board of Elementary and Secondary Education meeting: opening comments

 The agenda is here; livestream is here

My notes from last night are here

and the meeting has started, but there is no sound on the broadcast...

Monday, October 28, 2024

Special meeting of the Board of Ed: voke admissions (part I)

 The agenda is here; the livestream is going to go up here.

Meeting opened by Vice Chair Hills (with an amazing amount of noise behind him)
Johnston opens by saying it will be looking at the impact of the last engineering change
quotes “Every system is perfectly designed to get the result that it does.” (W. Edwards Deming)

Tonight's agenda:

The Board of Ed meets tonight and tomorrow

 Note that the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education not only meets tomorrow (for their regular monthly meeting); they meet TONIGHT for the first of two of what they're calling "study sessions" on vocational admissions. That meeting is only online and starts at 5.

The regular meeting is tomorrow, starts at 9, and includes:

  1.  updates on accountability for Holyoke Public Schools, John Avery Parker (New Bedford), Van Sickle Academy (Springfield), High School of Commerce (Springfield), Oliver Middle School (Lawrence) 
  2. information on what they're calling a "Curriculum Data Dashboard" 
  3. literacy reviews in Educator Preparation and Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Program  
  4. and "Continuation of DESE's Strategy to Advance Student Learning, Including Potential New Initiatives"

(can we talk about this thing where Every Major Word Is Capitalized in Agenda Items?)

Agenda for all of that is here. Livestream will come up here.

Two to read on the ballot question on MCAS

I've been ongoingly disappointed at how poorly informed most of the discussion of the MCAS ballot question is (insert my ongoing observation that there is actual data and things happening at the Board of Ed meetings, which should have much more attention), but here are two pieces I'd recommend: 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Recommended reading

Monday, October 21, 2024

Why I'm voting no on question 2 regarding the competency determination


However, the speech rights of any individual are strongly protected by the federal Constitution, and even more strongly protected by the state Constitution. I've been asked several times offline how I'm voting on this question; I have shared my thinking as I outline it here.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Early warning on FY26

Please enjoy this fall tree from the Berkshires.
It is the most positive thing in this blog post.

A quick note from me (as I am swamped over here):

While DESE won't set the official inflation rate for the foundation budget until the end of December, using data that doesn't close until the end of October, the change in the rate of the implicit price deflator for state and local governments so far is running below 2% this fall. 

In other words, the inflation rate for next year's foundation rate, as written into statute, would again be very low.

I would strongly recommend getting this onto your legislator's radar ASAP.

MASC folks, you'll see this more formally in the next bulletin.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Attorney General's office finds the MA Board of Elementary and Secondary Education violated the Open Meeting Law at their January meeting

 In a finding issued yesterday, the Attorney General's office found that the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education violated the Open Meeting Law at their January meeting, when Chair Craven invited a panel of speakers to address them on antisemitism without any public notice. 

My notes from that portion are here; a comment from me is here.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Things you won't read about this week's Board of Ed

 While there's been no lack of coverage of this week's Board of Ed meeting--of which you can read MASC's full coverage here--there's a number of things that happened that certainly didn't make headlines and in some cases didn't make the coverage at all.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Board of Ed is back

 ...and they meet both Monday night (entirely remotely) and Tuesday morning.

Monday evening is an accountability system review. We're into MCAS and accountability release, it appears from the agenda. 

Tuesday, in addition to that, the Board will elect a vice chair for the year; update on the Commissioner search; have an update on pandemic recovery and literacy, as well as literacy launch; and receive back the charter (voluntarily surrendered) of the Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy Charter Public School.

The agenda for all of that is here

Liveblog from me is going to be remote and possibly a little choppy, as I have a meeting Monday and an appointment Tuesday morning.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

On Southbridge

 The T&G  has a lengthy piece on Southbridge today; Southbridge is the district most recently put into receivership, a vote taken in 2016, meaning 'recent' here is quite relative. I think it's fair to say that the major hole in the section of the law on receivership--that there's no path OUT--is as true there as anywhere. Acting Commissioner Russell Johnston is quoted here, as he has been on Holyoke, talking about governance: 

"The extent of which a school committee is ready to resume its authority, its responsibilities for the governance it can provide for a district, that is a key thing we are looking for," Johnston said.

I think it is also fair to say that this wasn't how prior leadership framed the question.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Moms for Liberty lawsuit and MA schools

 It's possible you've caught that the Kansas case filed by Moms for Liberty and others reached beyond the district of federal court in which it was filed. The New Bedford Light looks at what this means for the Massachusetts schools named

...in Massachusetts, state law already offers the same protections for transgender students that Moms for Liberty is challenging at the federal level. So Massachusetts schools will still be able to uphold their current policies, legal experts say. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

If you've been following Brockton

 ...Mayor Sullivan released the report created by Nystrom, Beckman & Paris, a law firm, today at noon in advance of tonight's Brockton School Committee meeting, which did not discuss it. The report is dated August 15.

RSM, auditors hired by the school department, completed this report, which was released this evening during the Brockton School Committee meeting, at which it was discussed.

As it was the earlier, most reporting so far is on just the first: The Enterprise; MassLive; Boston Globe (which missed half the points)...updating as they come in. The Enterprise reporting on the School Committee meeting is here.

If I could make every school committee member, superintendent, mayor, school finance officer worker (of any level), city finance worker (of any level) read the report from NBP, I would.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Two to read on the MCAS ballot question

 Without commenting further at this time--though I have many thoughts!--I did want to share two things that I think are below the radar to read on the ballot question ending the use of the high school MCAS as a graduation requirement: 

  • The Center for State Policy Analysis at Tufts University is doing a series on the Massachusetts state ballot questions; this is the one on the MCAS question. It's really well done, and it had me finding their other ones.

  • I ongoingly lament the lack of attention to the actual work being done on and around the MCAS, and the actual research (using decades of data) of John Papay at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University is something that periodically gets reported out at the Board of Ed, and otherwise doesn't seem to capture much attention (I think in part because many of those who spend a lot of time talking about the MCAS don't like the information being arrived at). He and others published this back in July.

Round up for the end of the week

 Some things to read or consider this week:

  • Some Aquinnah Wampanoag elders gathered last week to talk about the closing in 1968 of Gay Head School, which served Aquinnah Wampanoag children in Martha's Vineyard.

  • The Boston Globe ran an "epic fail" headline on an article that only followed the experience of two students; no systemwide data on transportation on the first day of school was yet available. This is how the educating reporting earns our cynicism.

  • Useful paper out this week on public comment and public policy found four things: 
    First, commenters at public meetings are unrepresentative of the public along racial, gender, age, and homeownership lines; second, distance to the proposed development predicts commenting behavior, but only among those in opposition; third, commission votes are correlated with commenters’ preferences; finally, the alignment of White commenters (vs. other racial groups) and neighborhood group representatives and the general public (vs. other interest groups) better predict project approvals.
  • In light of the shootings in Georgia, note that in Oswego County, NY, in response to threats by a 10 year old boy, law enforcement visited the home to remove guns if there were any (there were not), because NY has a law that "allows law enforcement to search a home and remove guns if someone is thought to have access to weapons and be a danger to themselves or others.”

  • And because this always brings up discussion of mental health, a reminder that mental health is more of a predictor of victim than assailant.

  • May J.D. Vance's characterization of school shootings as "a fact of life" be the real life "crime, boy, I don't know" *
*and if you snark about The West Wing references, you are free to read elsewhere.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Book recommendation: Dividing the Public: School Finance and the Creation of Structural Inequality

swiped from a footnote of "Dividing the Public" is this quote
from Fletcher Swift skewering Massachusetts

 Summer is generally when I try to catch up on the rest of the year's "oh I should read that!" pile, particularly as it pertains to education. Among my reads that I want to recommend to anyone else for whom school finance equity is either a vocation or an avocation is Matthew Gardner Kelly's Dividing the Public: School Finance and the Creation of Structural Inequality.

Gardner Kelly, who now teaches at University of Washington College of Education (he'd been at Penn State), takes as his topic K-12 public education funding in California, but really it is a way of examining what we may think of as foundational to education in this country: the tie between local funding and local enrollment. California starts from a completely different direction than, say, Massachusetts on this, and at various points in its history had advocates who argued that it wasn't really a state public education system if it depended on local funding. 

I could quote at length from passages of his book, which also includes midnight property raids, racial violence, and footnotes well worth examining (the above has already been added to my standard presentation on Chapter 70!). I really appreciated, though, a book that drove me to question why it is that we think the taxation of local property ought to determine the revenue available to local schools at all, and how it is that a state can require a statewide education system--check the quote at the bottom of the page here, Massachusetts!--without state revenue paying for it.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Two more to read on AI

 Two from this weekend:

  • "Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that Turkish high school students who had access to ChatGPT while doing practice math problems did worse on a math test compared with students who didn’t have access to ChatGPT. Those with ChatGPT solved 48 percent more of the practice problems correctly, but they ultimately scored 17 percent worse on a test of the topic that the students were learning."
    Coverage is in The Hechinger Report, and the study itself is here.

  • The New Yorker, if you can get past the paywall, has a piece from Ted Chiang entitled "Why AI isn't going to make art" which includes the following: 
    The task that generative AI has been most successful at is lowering our expectations, both of the things we read and of ourselves when we write anything for others to read. It is a fundamentally dehumanizing technology because it treats us as less than what we are: creators and apprehenders of meaning. It reduces the amount of intention in the world.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

But what did Fair Share get us?


I hope by now you've seen that the Fair Share amendment, which taxes at 4% on every dollar over a person's first $1M in income, has far exceeded expectations. As noted back in May

Massachusetts has collected about $1.8 billion from a voter-approved surtax on the state’s highest earners through the first nine months of the fiscal year, the Department of Revenue said Monday in a quarterly report.

That’s more than $800 million more than what the Legislature and Gov. Maura Healey planned to spend in surtax revenue for all of fiscal year 2024, raising the possibility of a sizable pot that will land in an Education and Transportation Reserve Fund and the Education and Transportation Innovation and Capital Fund, both surtax specific accounts, once the books close.

Remember, unless you've made a million plus at least a dollar in income? You are not paying this. And if you made a million plus a dollar, you're only taxed the extra 4% on that one additional dollar.

I've seen some confusion about this, so I thought I'd clear up a few things. 

First, the above money doesn't get spent until next year; this is a reserve fund, so the funding goes in and sits until the total is determined by the state comptroller in December. It's pretty clear, though, that the state's been conservative with projections, and this is one where we do really want to spend the money that's coming.

Second, this is funding--like most in the state--that's allocated by vote of the Legislature, signed by the Governor. There isn't some sort of formula where everyone gets some of this. I've heard districts ask how they can apply, or if it's being allocated evenly...that isn't how this works at all. The Legislature decides on what, within transportation and education, they want to spend the money on, and that's where it goes.

Funding was allocated in this year's budget from last year's Fair Share collection. Again, there is a very good chance that you are not personally paying for this--these efforts are not increasing your taxes!--but we as state residents are benefiting!

  • universal free lunch - a program much in the news, due to Minnesota similarly funding meals for all students, the reimbursement to districts of the federal reimbursement rate for non-federally reimbursed meals (the wonkish explanation!), this $170M is from Fair Share funding. 
    Yes, we literally have our millionaires making sure all kids eat!
    Remember, the FY24 number is a compromise and is expected to still not be enough to fully reimburse the expense to districts
  • $74/pupil increase in minimum aid in chapter 70. I've ongoingly argued that this is not a fair, equitable, way to get aid to districts, and yet...here we are. $37M here for K-12 districts.
  • free community college is funded from the Fair Share amendment (there's several lines of public higher ed funding, in fact)
  • $110M to regional transit authorities-- aka, local bus systems
  • $60M for MBTA physical infrastructure
  • $20M for a low income reduced fare program for the MBTA
  • $7.5M for ferry services
  • $36M for safety work at the MBTA
  • $45M for municipal roadwork
  • $10M for a skilled workforce pipeline for the MBTA (those bus and train drivers don't grow on trees!)
  • $175M for child care grants (operations)
  • $15M to reduce the waitlist at early childcare and education for teen parents and homeless families
  • $5M for preschool expansion
  • $65M for increased salaries and benefits for early education and care
  • $18M for reducing the early childcare waitlist
  • expanding early college, technical, and innovation pathways at $2.5M 
  • the Literacy Launch, funding for both curriculum and professional development, which they compromised at $20M for
  • Green Energy infrastructure grants to schools for $10M
  • developing a framework for mental and behavioral health funded at $5M
This is all really good stuff! We should be proud that we fought for this money! 
I wish more people were more clear on where it is going. Please spread the word!

Sometimes you have to say 'we told you so'

The Worcester School Committee voted in 2021 to break from the current vendor provider, Durham, and take busing in-house, with issues being cited regarding a lack of drivers and excessive costs. A 2019 study by the district projected that taking busing in-house will lead to $3.5 million in savings. A subsequent analysis conducted by the department revealed that the actual savings for fiscal 2023 were $5 million, and that email complaints from parents fell by 76%.

from today's Worcester Telegram & Gazette 

The T&G itself links to their report from the time, which includes the following: 

But Superintendent Maureen Binienda recommended Worcester not take on busing entirely on its own, and continued to defend Durham’s track record of collaborating with the district.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

AI is antithetical to what we are doing in education

 In late June, I posted the following on Twitter: 

...and it blew up. 

 I wanted to flesh this out more, as far, far too much of what is circulating is of the "how to use AI in education" rather than asking what we're doing here at all*.