We're doing what the admin is calling the "Strength Deployment Plan for Instructional Systems Improvement."
(SDPISI? This is why I'm saying 'reorganization.')"a description of what we are actually going to be doing and a timeline"
"pulling back on a whole redesign of the whole system" as the budget is in better shape than originally thought
For next year:
in high school, focusing on reducing class size in gr. 9, focus in high schools "more in-depth programming," phase in community partnerships (virtual and real-time) in various ways, flexible staff patterns for before and after school options (classes that run outside the traditional school day), community listening and learning
"teachers and parents and students have lots more ideas that make this a better plan"
readiness schools>>>>innovation schools, talking with Clark, South Quadrant already has partnership with Clark, and teacher "readiness" is there
Much more specific about the programs that we offer to do the things we need
"each innovation school will evolve in their own way"
Monfredo suggests an orientation program, and small learning academies, asks if the grade configuration would be different. Mulqueen says possibly, especially as Sullivan and South more or less share a campus. "Decisions made in conjunction with faculty and community"
Biancheria asks how many meetings they've had with staff, what was reaction: some early meetings in fall, suspended as shift went from readiness to innovation...faculty wants to know detail. "time is right to begin those meetings again...working out details around innovation schools" Asks if we have looked at what is available for those small learning communities (arts, health careers, etc),,, feeding them back into the community
"Not really for me to decide, not really for me to direct" says Mulqueen
district's decision to move forward with innovation schools is a structural issue done at School Committee, but how it plays out is done by teachers
Delsignore asks what the flex time means...is it optional? Innovation schools language (as in the law). Mulqueen would prefer optional, voluntary
When is the union going to be in the discussion? Now, more or less
Monfredo asks for models from across the country
Delsignore asks if there's any plan to eliminate extended day at the three elementary schools in the South Quadrant that have it. How to continue it without increasing the workday for the teacher? Dependant on state funding and WPS funding
Essential conditions of Level 4 schools: Commissioner requiring weighed budget dollars pulled out of FY11 budget...not sure how that would work yet, says Mulqueen
Schedule of proposed meeting times :
as I typed up previouslyBiancheria says she thought we'd agreed to two or three meetings at several sites. Short time frame, all held at a school...Mulqueen looks back at the motion...happy to do more...
Larger time frame needed to coordinate notices out to parents and staff
Mulqueen says that he thinks we're on the same page...initial introduction..
She asks for at least an additional meeting.."we have to work at partners and parents participation"
Looking at an additional meeting for at least the South Quadrant, possibly the others as well.
More nights, different days, clearer and more digestible presentations, 20 minutes of feedback isn't long enough (Novick)
Make sure that everyone gets the same information, "if it takes a little longer, that's necessary" says Monfredo
O'Connell says what if we do this first, then offer others, perhaps?
Suggestion from a parent that there might be a daytime meeting also those for whom that would be more easy to make
Biancheria: MOTION that we have a minimum of two meetings for each quadrant (both for innovation and for elementary/secondary redesign) "We're going to be making some changes here" wants to address questions..."has to be something that people are comfortable with"
for Level 4, figure out if an additional meeting is needed