Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Board of Ed for March: State Student Advisory mid-year report

This being done by Ioannis Asikis, student member
how are student concerns identified and addressed through SSAC?
SSAC make decisions about education policy and student rights
chair serves as student member to the Board of Ed
DESE charged SSAC to align goals with Department's vision and strategic objections

wait, why does DESE get to decide their charge? And why would their goals have to align with DESE's?
I've been concerned in the past at how much DESE appears to 'run' the SSAC rather than having students lead; this is furthering that concern
gather and analyze, share and connect
mental health, student safety, connectedness
problems that students are noticing in their regions
Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2023 to a representative sample of students
data is weighted to align with student enrollment
community dialogue: what is lacking, assets to use
sense of belonging; students in shelters face difficulties in getting to school
immigration and fear from federal actions
mental health not good; tiered systems of supports for students
bullying; school safety
reducing stigma in seeking mental health support 
ensure schools are acting as prevention systems rather than only reacting
workgroups now developing recommendations which will be shared at year's end

Fisher: heard about load for school counselor and would love to see focus on that
saw schools focus on that post-COVID, worry about that being something that gets cut

West: appreciate actionable and practical recommendations
are you asking about what isn't working?
Asikis: students might not know of where resources aren't or if they aren't working
maybe tweaking existing support systems

Craven: where is it more urgently needed?
Craven: oversimplification of what adults do as interventions

Moriarty: are there students with acute needs who might be dependent on school personnel
Asikis: focus on schools, how can bring into a third party system
Moriarty: conversation on social media among students?
Asikis: brought discussions to SSAC when AG came out with statement on cell phones in schools
students need cell phones in school setting, whether for safety reasons, health reasons
can have discussions of limitation within class time
"we're pretty firm that students should have access to cell phones during the school day"

Stewart: what is useful or helpful for the Board to give feedback for?
Asikis: focus on what actionable items can come out

Grant: majority of students having someone to turn to
having all adults have training to connect with mental health services

Rocha: immigrants being persecuted, difficulties with access to families
Asikis: not hearing many personal experiences on SSAC, but overarching theme of fear
"still waters that we're navigating"
how best to support students in a school environment
"I will be bringing this up in future Board meetings" as making student feel safe is important

Mohamed: do we have a good understanding of what is happening at different grade levels?
Johnston: healthy discussions about how cell phones will be managed appropriately, take up locally
what are we providing instead
policies that are unique to each grade level band

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