Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Board of Ed for March: School counselor of the year

 Sugeily Santos of the Curley School in Boston
focuses on My CAP (my career and academic plan)
she opens with thanks
"what you sow, you reap"
living proof of these words
dignity is the worth and respect that every person deserves
went to Boston Public Schools, encountered educators who embodied the meaning of dignity
all students mattered, felt seen and valued
we support for students to overcome challenges and reach their potential
My CAP encourage students to dream
principal worked to reduce caseload to better serve each student individually
advocate for support necessary to allow us to be effective
Am I holding myself to the same standard I hold for my students?
belief that every child deserves to be seen, heard, and valued

Craven: what is preventing all schools from using My CAP?
Santos: teacher buy in is high; time, as student want to keep talking

Grant: supports as she is competing nationally?
application completed by August 15
will be judged on what she's done already
looking for data on impact on school and community

Stewart: advice for others?
Santos: counselor speak from the heart
system of mentorship, essential, first year won't be as scary

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