Monday, June 17, 2024

And because I know there will be questions...

 Worcester has moved their last day to tomorrow, Tuesday, June 18:

The last day for most of the district was Thursday--for Burncoat, Friday, due to the cancellation in December due to no heat--and Wednesday was already off due to the state observance of Juneteenth

No doubt, some of you are wondering: Doesn't that mean the Worcester Public Schools won't go 180 days?
Yes! This  February 2011* memo from the late Commissioner Mitchell Chester explains what Worcester is invoking here, namely item 3: 
Districts will not be expected to make up any days lost to health, weather, or safety emergencies that occur after June 1.

Enjoy the break! Here's hoping Worcester gets some cooling stations and splash pads open early, eh?
*Do you remember February 2011? I do. And then that was the October when we had a Halloween snowstorm...

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