Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June Board of Ed: FY25 budget

 Bill Bell on the FY25 budget

Senate has concluded their floor activity: they added a little over $20M in our accounts
from a process standpoint, the bill is in a conference committee
"HOPEFULLY sometime this month or early next month so we can have a timely state budget"
fourth year of SOA; continued support for circuit breaker and reimbursement for special education transportation
significant support has gone out to districts on the newcomer students: another data capture from March to the end of the school year in homeless students: probably another $10M for the period
"we await the final bill"
federal side: winding down ESSER obligation: about 64% claim rate for ESSER III; still close to half a billion dollars; "expect that to drop substantially over the summer"
district can spend through February/March 2026
Moriarty asks for a report on high dosage tutoring
West: "are there any special obligations" for district to spend the money out of 2026?
could we create a state process "with more prescriptiveness"
Bell: there is a process that we control on behalf of the federal government
districts "that have committed" funds
"there's not a new what they can spend it on; we've already blessed their grants"
"we expect the federal review is going to be light...we think that if we say it is okay, the federal government is going to say it is okay"
Craven: heard yesterday 3% "direct student services set aside": could "we reach in" which we have never done
Johnston: coming back in the fall; "we would want to engage with"
districts are used to getting 100% of their funds; then would only get 97%
"would want to engage with superintendents"
how about the SCHOOL COMMITTEES???

and adjourned! 

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