Tuesday, May 18, 2010

comments from Councilor Haller

asks number of schools: 44 comprehensive schools and several alternative programs
asks if 29 plus 2 of those schools would be underperforming...have not met AYP (note that this does not, according to the state, mean Level 3)
asks if the money for the Level 4 schools money is included in the budget? No
asks if the money coming through might supplant anything here? No, it cannot, by federal reg

regionalization: has there been any discussion about regionalization partnerships? including with the City? (HR, or other services or departments)
educational collaborative is a regional service
conversations with small districts who struggle with providing services required
engage with City in conversations now that she knows better the district
accountability officer: asks for comment?
Mayor says cuts that were made to pay for that position
"currently we have no method by which we evaluate our effectiveness in any practices"
"looking to restructure our school improvement plans so they are much more user-friendly and much more used"
"we have to be able to quantify what's making a difference"
"since 2003, at least, the need to address use of data around instruction...has been identified by the state as needed...critical to drive the achievement we need to have in this district"
"not to support me"
"$500,000 in administrative reductions" in FY10, and remains in FY11

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