Friday, September 6, 2024

Round up for the end of the week

 Some things to read or consider this week:

  • Some Aquinnah Wampanoag elders gathered last week to talk about the closing in 1968 of Gay Head School, which served Aquinnah Wampanoag children in Martha's Vineyard.

  • The Boston Globe ran an "epic fail" headline on an article that only followed the experience of two students; no systemwide data on transportation on the first day of school was yet available. This is how the educating reporting earns our cynicism.

  • Useful paper out this week on public comment and public policy found four things: 
    First, commenters at public meetings are unrepresentative of the public along racial, gender, age, and homeownership lines; second, distance to the proposed development predicts commenting behavior, but only among those in opposition; third, commission votes are correlated with commenters’ preferences; finally, the alignment of White commenters (vs. other racial groups) and neighborhood group representatives and the general public (vs. other interest groups) better predict project approvals.
  • In light of the shootings in Georgia, note that in Oswego County, NY, in response to threats by a 10 year old boy, law enforcement visited the home to remove guns if there were any (there were not), because NY has a law that "allows law enforcement to search a home and remove guns if someone is thought to have access to weapons and be a danger to themselves or others.”

  • And because this always brings up discussion of mental health, a reminder that mental health is more of a predictor of victim than assailant.

  • May J.D. Vance's characterization of school shootings as "a fact of life" be the real life "crime, boy, I don't know" *
*and if you snark about The West Wing references, you are free to read elsewhere.

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