Thursday, September 7, 2023

bits more from Brockton today they had a school committee meeting last night, which had an active public comment section period, and someone noted that maybe the meeting last week wasn't as public as necessary. The district communications person has said that overspending was in transportation, special education, and payroll. 
The district--I guess the school committee?--has also placed the top two financial people on administrative leave as of Friday. The mayor said this: 

As the mayor and as a parent of children in city schools, Sullivan said he was shocked to learn about the FY2023 school deficit. He said he was notified of the shortfall on Aug. 8 by Petronio and Correia. The next day, Sullivan said he met with the both Petronio and Correia, the city’s chief financial officer, and the schools superintendent, Mike Thomas, who confirmed the deficit.

What I haven't yet seen is any reporting on how the deficit was possible, as the schools operate as a city department, with all spending going through the city treasurer, and departments can't overspend what they have had allocated to them (a bottom line in the city budget). 
Hoping someone gets to that part soon. 

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