Tuesday, August 16, 2022

A note on WPS student discipline

 Passing along from Dr. Monárrez's weekly update to School Committee members the following:

As we develop a long-term strategy for addressing student discipline processes, long-term suspension and incorporating a restorative approach to student discipline, we will be shifting student discipline oversight to the Assistant Superintendent, Teaching and Learning division. For the immediate all long term suspension hearings will be conducted by our retired quadrant manager, Dr. Mary Montaque. This is a short term action until additional quadrant managers are hired. Then quadrant managers will take on the role of working with schools to ensure restorative approaches are being utilized before long-term suspension is recommended. This model will stay in place while I complete my entry plan and we finalize the strategic planning process.

The School Safety officer, which had led long-term suspension, will be focusing on building safety and emergency management.  

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