Thursday, July 16, 2020

Worcester Voter Registration Initiative presentation

Students presenting on "increasing voter turnout in the city through community engagement, workshops, and civics lessons"
only one out of six registered voters vote
encouraged and excited to vote
civics bill and education and projects and experience in civics
all student run: college and high schools
targeting voter education: getting information to our youth
educational lessons for different age groups: elementary, middle, high
"my own education growing up in Worcester, I wasn't able to have the education I would like it to be"
really connect with our peers
talking about the voting process, how to participate in the community, local state and federal reps
2018 bill only provides a short
especially on the local level
test run with Nativity School in a week
building through Zoom; interactive
talking to different neighborhoods in Worcester
"has to start at our schools"
"especially with the diversity in our city"
"can't have [lack of voting] happening"
have an internship program: making videos, making content
suggestion of what you guys would want and bring it out to students
work with specific history teachers
learning about community and our city
college students working to teacher in different classrooms
using their platform to get information out

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