Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pioneer's argument for yes: Help those big out-of-state charter management organizations "achieve scale"

I had to read this twice to be sure that this wasn't a joke:
The biggest reason there are so few CMOs operating in Massachusetts is the existing charter school cap, which prevents the organizations from achieving scale.
So, yes, Pioneer's argument for why you should vote yes on question 2 is so charter management organizations can come to Massachusetts and "achieve scale."
What's darkly amusing about this argument is that the Yes crew has been at some pains to separate themselves from the problems described (for example) by John Oliver regarding charter schools. It's the CMO's that in many cases have been the crux of the problems described.
Massachusetts largely does not have them (with the exceptions of KIPP and Sabis). Pioneer, however, would apparently like us to.

Or, you could vote no on 2.

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