Monday, November 16, 2015

School calendars: Finance and Operations

Meade-Montague: proposed calendars were forwarded to principals to discuss with parents and teachers
comments from the schools here
majority in favor of starting school on a Monday rather than on a Wednesday (followed by Labor Day weekend)
on the calendar committee, proposal led by a student
Foley: discussion about going to one vacation week in March
different sides of dialogue, getting rid of viruses
not endorsed by majority of schools?
Meade-Montague: that wasn't the proposal before them
had been discussion before the calendar committee, how many days would we actually gain by that
last few days, snowstorms during those weeks
more in favor of starting school earlier when we're more assured of good weather
discussion around having a full week to begin the school day
Foley: keeping conversation going on one week in March
Ramirez: having a different conversation on impact on seniors getting out earlier
Meade-Montague: we need in our calendars to address time seniors get out v. official last day
no more than twelve day gap
Foley: should keep that dialogue going (on vacation weeks)
These calendars pass

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