Friday, April 10, 2015

Upcoming things to weigh in on

A few things were sent off last night that you may wish to weigh in on:
  • the student policy handbook was sent to Governance. We consider the whole student policy manuel every year. This has the homework policy, the dress code, the code of conduct, the recess policy...much of students' days are within the handbook. If you have something to share about that, let us know!
  • the summer reading list was sent to Teaching, Learning, and Student Support. WPS policy is that of student interest directed reading, with several projects (student choice) to be turned in upon returning to school in the fall. Again, get in touch if you have thoughts to share!
  • the shared FY16 budget priorities of the Worcester School Committee was sent off to administration. Our budget comes out to us (and the public) in May; it will be publicly considered on June 4 and 18 (and remember, those start at 4). We're already hearing from parents and others--which is great, as too often we don't!--so please get in touch if you have something to share! 
Also: we're scheduled to vote on the Advanced Academy on April 30!

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