Wednesday, March 4, 2015

While we await Governor Baker's budget

Governor Baker's budget is due out at 1 pm today. In the inklings we got yesterday, Chapter 70 will have a 2.4% increase; we don't know yet if that is fully funding Chapter 70. It might be; the foundation budget inflation rate is 1.5% this year, and the remainder of the increase could--could--be enrollment increases and demographic changes.
BUT remember that this is not the whole education story: watch for (for Worcester) the Quality Kindergarten grant (those are our IA's), preschool and Head Start, McKinney-Vento reimbursement, and charter school reimbursement (a big concern, given the Governor's political positions). Beyond Worcester, the question is on minimum per pupil increase and regional transportation reimbursement.

And Worcester will have numbers at tomorrow night's meeting.

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