Sunday, August 7, 2011

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also"*

Excellent news. After an incredibly terrible, difficult budget year, the city of Worcester has a $5.37 million surplus.
Note that some of this was a local aid restoration from the state; the rest from revenue being better than expected  (and a bit from expenditures being down).
So, what does Worcester value? When money we weren't expecting comes in, once we've made sure that we're fiscally stable, what do we spend it on?

I read this earlier today on a phone, and I honestly kept skimming down, down, down...where were the schools? And what did the Manager think was important?
Secondary school tech labs: that's good. Wireless for a few schools. Good.
And...pavement. Again.

Coming to a grand total of somewhere in the ballpark of $400,000...out of over $5 million.
Less than 8%.

Hoping that the Council will see better than this.

*Matthew 6:21. But you knew that.

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