Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tell us what you really think, Mayor Bloomberg!

And in case you missed it, last week, Mayor Bloomberg let New Yorkers know what he thinks of parents making decisions about their children's educations:
Responding to the filing of a lawsuit challenging his Department of Education’s school closing and charter co-location policies, Mayor Bloomberg let loose a mini-tirade on WOR-AM last week.  “Unfortunately there are some parents who just come from —“  the Mayor said, and then cut off  the rest of his sentence. One wonders about the intended conclusion — did the Mayor mean to say ignorance?  Poverty? Ghetto neighborhoods?   Other countries with little or no public schooling?  “They never have had a formal education,” the Mayor continued, “and they don’t understand the value of education.  Many of our kids come from families – “ again the Mayor cut himself off, and again one wonders about his suppressed conclusion.  Instead, the Mayor finished with an odd observation — “the old Norman Rockwell family is gone.”

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