Thursday, October 7, 2010

Opening of schools report: enrollment numbers

Report of the Superintendent tonight is on the opening of school. She's starting with new admin staff and new principals.
Total enrollment as of October 1:23,948
That's 436 more students than last year. 989 students are new to the district in grades 1-12.
K-6 is up by 286 students from last year.
In total, we're up about 1.8% from last year.
Elementary class size is a 21.5 to 1 ratio (teacher to student)...goes down to 17.6 to 1 if you include all adults (that's instructional assistants and tutors)
343 classes are less than 23 kids; 189 are 23-26 students; 40 classes are 27-30 students; 4 classes are more than 30 (two of those are team taught; the other two are kindergarten classrooms with a full time IA). We're up against space restrictions (not staffing restrictions) in those big classrooms.

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