Thursday, October 21, 2010

Goals for the district: Boone

Boone: setting of district goals
"tonight's focus...setting goals for the district" (MASC couldn't be here because they're doing this so many other places)
"within your sphere of influence as school committee members..."
"we know the issues around educational reform and student achievement is an evolving process..."
conversations these past few months
federal and state: don't have an negotiation around
"we put those in one set of areas we have to focus on districtwide development"
"values of this school and this community" reflected in district goals and how they related "to those must-do's"
"alignment and coherence"
less is more theory...not having more than five goals

Gwinnett County, Broad award: level of coherence, shaping of the district in one direction
balancing the organization triangle: lowest level is "continuous improvement and assessment" is the base of the triangle
Worcester Compact "a vision"...core values of this
what do we value as a School Committee, as a governance team
A SMART goals: Agreed upon, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused, Trackable
"continuous improvement is about nuturing something for something better"
Continuous improvement:
  • Plan for opportunity
  • Organize for success
  • awareness/education
Mass Race to the Top setting four areas of focus:
  • great teachers and leaders
  • curricular and instructional resources
  • concentrated support in low performing schools
  • college and career readiness
direction the state is going in

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