Monday, June 9, 2008

What happens tomorrow?

  1. The City Council meets at 7 pm (they are done with budget hearings).
  2. First item on their agenda is the water and sewer rates.
  3. After making a decision on that, the City Council will then adjourn to Finance Committee
  4. They will discuss a number of pieces of the budget that have yet to be passed, including water and sewer, the airport, and the City Clerk.
  5. They also have a number of motions left to deal with, including Councilor Clancy's regarding funding of the airport, and Councilor Rushton's proposed cuts.
  6. Plus, there are some reports that they've requested that have come back from the City Manager.
  7. Once they've done all of that, they will adjourn back to the full Council. They then can pass the full budget.

We'll be there and liveblogging!

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