Thursday, June 19, 2008

suggestion of a cut

O'Connell suggesting cutting an art (music?) teacher allocated to the Bridge program, which will be up for discussion later on. It'd be $62,000
He's asking that we keep the funds in the teacher account.

Mullaney defends Bridge, which is apparently her program. "Extensive conversation...(moving money out of her committee to O'Connell's) take as a personal affront" Rehearsing the discussion she had with middle school music teachers...someone preparing students for Doherty's music program. They'd be someone who'd be half middle and half high school, preparing students for transitioning to high school level music. "just because it doesn't go to the curriculum committee doesn't mean it hasn't received a full airing..extend to me the same courtesy that I have researched..the respect that I gave to you"

Lukes warns that she doesn't want it to be test of personalities.

O'Connell says "if it were a test of personalities, I suspect I'd lose...a test of priorities"
"Is it a nice to have program, or is it a program we truly need?"

Foley adds "discussed fully in program committee...reflects to some degree comments I've heard over the past several years" From the Doherty quadrant, hear concerns around AP, arts...parents upset that Doherty has fewer arts teachers than other quadrants. Mills adds that Doherty has fewer music teachers than other quadrants. Leaving Doherty quadrant for Wachusett, adds it's "a response to market forces."

Lukes concerned we're adding new slots. Inclined not to create new positions. Not calculated what our increase in costs are going to be for energy. "If I'm going to be creating new slots, it's going to be dealing with class size."

Mullaney, verging on tears (?), pleads again for this teacher. "We're defending a quadrant of this city..there's a gross inequity..asking for half a person...something that is honorable and worthy and for itself in the long run in keeping people here."

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