Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Finance and Operations meets at 5:30 today

The Finance and Operations subcommittee meets at 5:00 today at the Durkin Administration Building (4th floor). You can find the agenda here.
I've already posted on the big item on for consideration: the Community Eligibility Provision, which would mean universal free breakfast and lunch. Note that much the backup for this item is directed at the other impacts of the state changing how we measure child poverty. That's a big important discussion (which I don't think will end tonight!).
We also have a report back on the energy management contract (and how doing it in house is saving us money).
We have the close of FY15. This year, $69 going to city free cash.
We have the auditor for student activities accounts coming in.
We have what I assume will be our first consideration of the preliminary Foundation Budget Review Commission report. 
We also have a report I asked for our school plant staffing levels: it appears we have less than half the number of people recommended.

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