If you're around Worcester long enough, you're sure to hear references to Classical High School. I didn't realize this until recently, but the "old Classical High" is the current Durkin Administration Building. There's plenty of people who never have reason to set foot in the building--it's that brick Queen Anne style building up on Crown Hill--and it retains much of what was clearly a lovely building of its era.
Here's a photo of one of my favorite parts of the building, the second floor auditorium:

The building (much like Commerce High, now an office building) demonstrates that when they built them in the 1800's and early 1900's, they built well!

I always thought this would make in interesting rental space for parties, but I'm sure no alcohol on school property...
I have it on good authority that it has been rented, usually by Classical High reunions, 'though, as you surmise, alcohol isn't allowed.
You're right, 'though it would be a nice place for a party. The school administration Christmas party was here last year.
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