Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Boone at CPPAC

Taking some notes here from Superintendent Boone speaking to parents at CPPAC

says Pioneer Institute comment "very validating" ('still much work to be done')
"then sheds light on the Compact as what we are focusing on"
"we have some pockets of excellence...have excellence be our standard, not the exception"
3,4,8 grade proficient in ELA and math by 2014
"basically have to double our students who are achieving"
"have a fair number of students who look inside the gates of our colleges and universities here in town" and can't make it
remedial courses at community colleges
what action steps are we taking?
"very coherent Worcester improvement strategy"
improving elementary literacy
students with disabilities
students who are ELL
21st century opportunities
"used as a backdrop for our conversation around the budget this year"
"some of the gaping holes that I've identified....gifted and talented...technology...elementary librarians...focus on communication within the district"
"just last week we had an afternoon reflection around Jim Collins' work of good to great...walk the talk...moving from a very good school system to a great school system"
"what are we best at? We are best at teaching and learning"
"powerful event" of CPPAC parent roundtable
"to frame and shape our budget development...how do we find greater efficiencies...where are we trying to get the greatest return on our investment in your work"
still 140 cuts
"if you work at Starbucks and you stop selling coffee, what are you doing? People aren't going to just buy tea."
"very clear" with City Council on increased funding going to restoring/reworking positions
boiler plant replacement/windows/doors
"in a zero based budget approach, everything is up for examination"
projections into next year: "we start fiscal year 12 with at least a $10 million budget gap"
"need a commitment from City Council not to go below where we are and only go up"
accountability "as a way to frame and shape our work"
On June 17 there will be a presentation from the accountability team on their work
hiring of Chief Accountability and Research Officer (CARO?)
training of "our front line office personnel"
"some more conversations around the customer service aspect"
"how people are received into a building says a great deal about how they think their children will be treated"
partnerships: "really talk strategically around what we are trying to do"
community listening sessions "I think were really a huge step forward"
"Dr. Mulqueen very appreciative around the feedback he received from CPPAC"
"what I used as conversation starters...what are some ways we can see beyond the way we see currently"

Two rumors to dispel:
  1. Not leaving the Worcester Public Schools
  2. There is no hidden plan

"It's easy to stand out in front of the parade, but then you realize there's no band behind you."

No great restructuring for the fall of 2010

working bugs out of an email system for people to continue to give feedback

parent community survey

how do you match accountability with the standards

really does address the wrap-around services (beyond what goes on in the schools)

June 24: special School Committee meeting for the recommendations from the stakeholder group: from that framework the design team implements: Level 4 schools


T-Traveler said...

was there a rumor dr Boone was leaving? is there a rumor that there is a secret plan? whats in the plan

Tracy Novick said...

There was (and it's ongoing; it appears people are keeping tabs on her previous district).
The "secret plan" rumors were part of the community meetings in the fall: people were certain that the administration had an reorganization plan in place that they would implement after paying some lip service to public input. They've repeatedly said that this is not the case.