Thursday, June 24, 2010

Foley on Boone

work of the superintendent reflects the work of the administration, cites Allen by name
"school district does not have the luxury of time"
"laser-like on performance based results"
"school committee needs to have confidence in the professional experience of Dr. Boone"
"much work remains to bring the members of the school committee and superintendent" together
suggests individual meetings with SC members
"significant realignment of administrative support"
"talented external hires"
schools "held more accountability"
cites innovation schools as "an exciting opportunity"
cites "zero-based budget"
grades student achievement as "incomplete" as we won't know for some years
public communication "started talking...before she came and has not stopped talking since!"
stated that schools should be school of choice
"really bring parents to the table as partners"
"cautious and strategic about these sessions" (community sessions)
cultivating relationship with legislative delegation
"accountability by all at the forefront of the plan"
"limited tools much more creatively" (in communicating) (Foley jokes that spring rating sweeps were down)
cites Boone as "the district's best marketing tool"
"outstanding professional"

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