Saturday, February 22, 2025

“I’m complying with state and federal law"

In case you missed Maine Governor Janet Mills stand up to President Trump earlier this week, you can watch the video here.

While it's (naturally) her refusal to back down that's making the news, what she said matters a lot: her response was "I'm complying with state and federal law."

Executive orders and "Dear Colleague" letters are not federal law.

Please repeat that as often as necessary.

Given the thin-skinned nature of the executive, it isn't surprising that the next investigation by what we used to call the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, but will need to come up with another name for was one into Maine

What is new on this one, and this worries me because this is where free lunch is funded from, is that the United States Department of Agriculture also launched an investigation into the University of Maine. This isn't school nutrition, but it is concerning to see this also coming from that department. 

Don't, however, think you can go along and somehow get along with this administration. They're coming for everyone, sooner or later.

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