Thursday, August 8, 2024

MA Literacy bill is dead for this session

 And with the official end of formal session of the Legislature, it appears that the well-intended (I think?) but way out of the Legislature's lane literacy bill which would have mandated that districts pull curricula from a DESE-approved list is dead. 
The Boston Globe, who of course had turned this into a crusade this year, have coverage here. The award for 'measured quote which makes the point nicely' goes to Co-Executive Director of MASS Mary Bourque: 

Mary Bourque, executive director of the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, said that the bill was a “top-down” approach, leaving little room for teachers — the education experts — to make the calls for their students.

“But what we feel about the Literacy Launch is it’s more of a partnership with districts,” Bourque said. “Districts that are ready to engage in this and recognize they need help with this work are able to get the funding to get it off the ground.”

...with the 'award for random person quoted' going to the tutor in the middle of the piece. 

The Legislature passed a compromise $20M for funding literacy materials and professional development in the FY25 conference committee budget, in what the Governor is calling "Literacy Launch." there's an idea.

I live in hope that we won't have to fight this again this coming legislative cycle.

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