Tuesday, July 16, 2024

When cops are in schools, more kids get arrested

 File under "asking over and over doesn't change the answer"...the United States Government Accountability Office crunched the numbers of the public schools in the United States and found: 

Arrest rates more than doubled in schools with police present compared to similar schools without police, according to GAO's analysis. Among the 51 percent of schools with police present at least once a week, GAO found that arrests were more common when the police were involved in student discipline.

Also not new news, but found again: 

Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Black, and American Indian/Alaska Native students were arrested at rates that were two to three times higher than White students. For boys who had a disability, the differences in arrest rates widened further.

You can read K-12 Dive, District Administration, and The 74 on this, too.  

A thought: maybe we should act accordingly! 

PS: Be glad the GAO reports to Congress

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