Tuesday, June 27, 2023

June Board of Ed: updated health and PE framework

 some things here

and they didn't put the names of the panel on the slides...sigh
panel reviewing included students, parents, educators, higher ed, collaboratives, medical professionals, non-profit reps, advocacy orgs, educational associations, state commissions

curriculum framework: knowledge and skills along with how to reach them
curricula are selected locally
panel of nearly 45 engaged, plus two dozen on topics covered
support students to be healthy and well
whole child model in a safe and healthy environment
inclusive, medically accurate, developmentally and age appropriate
in name and in substance: recognizes physical education
builds on national standards
"I just want to note: this is a comprehensive document"
"sex education is component, a small but important one"
state does have a parental opt-out
example: decision making and problem solving, for example, applied to nutrition and healthy eating in grade 2

Joe Baeta, Superintendent of the Norton Public Schools
"quite awhile that this document has been sitting dormant"
skills connect to district Portrait of a Graduate
substance abuse, personal abuse
"time for the Commonwealth to lead, as it has with all other" frameworks and best practices
"at no time is this more critical for schools" than now
provides guidance and best practices

Next steps would be 60 days of public comment, summarized, revise, present for adoption

Stewart: not only for health educators to implement at local level, but a resource for families
believe that the social media component, would like to see it beefed up and improved upon
Moriarty: looking forward to public comment
want to highlight: don't plan to rest
9th of 9 curriculum frameworks
recommends frameworks as "forever in need" of improvement and pitches starting ELA again next
notes his, Stewart, Craven's name on all nine framework
thinks Board will have done its job if they get them off again in a timely fashion
Hills: fairly extraordinary effort involving many people
thanks for the time
Craven: law requires Board to put out standards and frameworks and not curricula
urge parents to be deeply involved in local curricula choice


five minute break

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