Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Live from the April Board of Ed: Mass Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative

 backup is here though there also is a Powerpoint which is on the stage but tiny

Mass Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative--MAICEI ("macy")--state funded program and the funding offers inclusive college options for students id'ed as having an intellectual disability, autism, or developmental disability

alternative non-matriculated pathway: person centered pathway, individual support plan, focus on employment goals
have coaches, internships
have access to courses that don't require a prerequisite
two of the campuses have a resident life component as well: Salem State and Bridgewater State (which also was the first campus to have this)

student at Mass Bay Community College in the MAICEI program now speaking about the classes he took, the use of public transit, involvement in the extracurricular programs, starting a glee club(!), getting involved in politics
"has prepared me for my career...for the last nine years I have worked at the State House"

Testimony about the long-term post 18 or so options for students 
hope that the Board can support districts 
"the MAICEI answer to what does life look like? Anything you want it to"

Additional testimony from another student

I want to know where the funding for this is? Higher ed line?

Moriarty wants to know about space in the program
has been interest: only one had a waiting list, but all students got in
will see more and more as start to present to more and more families who are no longer in school districts
"we've had families relocate...from all over the country just for their son or daughter to participate"

Mohamed asks about interaction with IEP and planning
guidance coming out from DESE on that
also with early college: has been discussed as part of early college discussions

Canavan asks at what age students are eligible: 18 plus

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