Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Hey, remember that new charter school in Brockton?

The one the Board of Ed approved on a 7-3 vote, over community outcry, last spring? They've just had to ask the state for a change to their charter, as they aren't going to be open on time. And that's not all: after all the talk about the district need for such a school:
Also, as of the July 19 Brockton School Committee meeting, parents of only 170 students filled out the required release forms to transfer student records to the New Heights Charter School. The charter school said it plans to serve 315 students in its first year. Deputy Superintendent Michael Thomas broke down the numbers, stating that release forms were signed for 65 sixth graders, 60 seventh graders and 45 eight graders.
h/t to Diane Ravitch for picking this up

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