Tuesday, December 2, 2014

FY15 finalized tonight

The City Council tonight finalized the FY15 budget ('though due to a scriverner's error, they did not set the municipal tax rate). The big thing that this does on the Worcester Public Schools side is point out the big change in the charter school reimbursement: nearly a million dollars.
You might remember that this is among the reasons why the state says we should run a budget over foundation. 
Now, the city can--and in past years, has--just pull this out of the WPS budget. This year (as has happened at least once before), the entire hit isn't coming to us. The city is absorbing some of the difference, meaning we're going to need to adjust the school budget for about half of that.
As we'll now need to make adjustments in the school budget, more to come (with more details, no doubt!).

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