Thursday, July 31, 2014

Dress code

I'm sending this off to Governance, but also asking that it go to CPPAC, the Superintendent's Student Advisory Council, and our student reps.
Two concerns: implementation, and one section of the dress code (page 28 of the Student Handbook)
in implementation: there are places where authority is being exceeded (there is, for example, no mention of the width of tank top straps), and places where it's sexist (girls being asked to put cartigans on over shirts, when boys aren't). Needs to stop, and we need to be thoughtful about how we talk to kids about this
in dress code: states that length of skirts and shorts must be as long as fingertips when held by your sides. This has everything to do with length of arms and torso; little to do with length of skirts and shorts. It also is nearly impossible to find in stores. It's not fair for us to have a requirement that students and parents cannot meet.
Refer to Governance
but do weigh in!

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