Friday, May 9, 2014

PARCC or MCAS: who picks?

There's been a bit of a discussion among school committee members statewide over next year and the PARCC/MCAS choice--you might remember that next year, each district chooses to do one. Who gets to pick?
Today, the state weighed in on that question:

Next year, we will move to an operational administration of PARCC. As part of the two-year "test drive" of PARCC, Commissioner Chester will provide school districts with the opportunity to choose whether to administer PARCC or MCAS in their own district in spring 2015. A district must choose the same assessment for all of its schools. For districts selecting PARCC, the superintendent will decide on a school-by-school basis whether to administer the online or paper versions of the assessments. The Department will conduct outreach in the coming weeks to explain the choice in further detail to district leaders, answer questions, and help inform local decision-making.
"Districts" choose. Hmm...

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