Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tons of conversations around schools at Council tonight: UPDATED

And I did not manage to liveblog. Too involved.
I will try to catch up later.
Long story short: Councilor O'Brien held the tax classification as well as the associated transfers under personal privilege, largely because he did not want to pass another budget that underfunded the Worcester Public Schools.
THEN there was a recess.
THEN Councilor O'Brien came back out and rescinded his hold and the Council voted the transfers and the tax classifications.
HOWEVER it appears that the "let's all have this discussion together" bit from earlier in the conversation is still going to happen next week.
So, if you have any interest in school funding, and, particularly, in the City meeting its legal obligation to fund education (per M.G.L chapter 70), then I would urge you to do two things:

  1. call your city councilor, the Mayor, and the City Manager and express this commitment.
  2. plan to be there next Tuesday night.

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