Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chapter 74 in accountability

We've got a report here on Chapter 74 (Chapter 74 is the chapter of the Mass General Laws that covers state funding for vocational education) and non-Chapter 74 career and technical programs in WPS.
O'Connell "trades that in the past would have been in the very heart and soul of vocational education" numbers are lower in ninth grade
is it that they haven't yet decided? Or are these trades falling off?
Perda: would be interesting to look at more data on this; would be happy to share that with us
"maybe we need to educate our students" from O'Connell
Novick: numbers lower in traditional trades; are we fulfilling our responsibilities with Perkins and Chapter 74 funding in training a workforce?
can we/ do we give kids information they need in order to make good decisions about the jobs that are needed (as many are in these trades)?
do some of these non-chapter 74 programs need to be spun up to Chapter 74? Can we do that?
Biancheria: students not accepted at Tech concerned that they can't get career training in high school
asks for a breakdown by site
comment here on popularity of robotics teams; connection with engineering
Perda offers to have Mr. Brenner come in for the next meeting
"not specific to our technical school...have the interest of expanding our comprehensive high schools"
"in line with our employment statistics across our city...what is actually the job market, what's the field?"
item held at subcommittee level

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