Friday, August 28, 2009

Family Involvement Plan

While it wasn't included as a backup yesterday, I'm assured that it will be up online soon. The Family Involvement Plan, the work of several years of subcommittee work, is now up for consideration, with planned implementation this year.
Recognizing the large amounts of research that tie student success to parental involvement, the plan is designed to increase parental involvement.
From my largely anectotal experience, this is one that Worcester both succeeds and fails at entirely at the school level. There are principals (and it does seem to have everything to do with principals) who welcome parents in the building, want their assistance, keep them well-informed, and otherwise do all they can to get parents involved and keep them there. And then there are those who are, shall we say, less welcoming.
The Plan has a checklist for how welcoming schools are of parents as well as four versions of partnerships, which goes from parents not being welcome to parents being full partners in education.
I'll post when it's online.

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