Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Education debt to our nation's children of color and their schools

Well worth a read today is this from the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools on what they're calculating as $580 billion owed schools of primarily low-income children of color. The full report is here.
What's interesting about this is they're focusing in opening on the federal level. Title I began as 40% more funding for low income kids. IDEA was to fund 40% of the needed special education services.
And neither happened.
The report also connects it to the falling off in the level of progression in our federal tax code, in the increases in spending in prisons (and the school-to-prison pipeline), and the push towards privatization. There hasn't, in my view, been enough attention on which schools get pushed away from their democratic representation and which schools never do, so this is a solid addition.
Worth your time!

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