Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rosen on repetition

Rosen on repetition of services, looking on the city side and seeing business department, and one in the School Department, personnel both places..."Isn't it time to do one department of human resources..so on"
"It seems we could retain those departments and maybe save teachers in the classroom"
"If there's any overlap, could we eliminate that?"

The Manager says, "Everything's on the table." He mentions the Ed Reform, which separated school and city side, and points out that they would "serve two masters" (answering both to the Council and the School Committee). In other words, there are some requirements that we need to follow here. We are, he says, in "emergency operations."

Rosen wants it under advisement, and he wants the Manager to be talking to the school administration (mentioning the current interm superintendent and the new incoming superintendent) about it. He also suggests that if this is against the law, then the law needs to change.

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