Monday, June 23, 2014

Arrested Futures: accountability

follow-up from an earlier item
Robarge: chance to review and discuss the report previously. Worcester is really doing a good job, relative to other districts reviewed in report; a lot less school-based arrested. Heartening to see. Don't have uniformed police officers in our schools, not primary arbiters of discipline; when they are, they use means at their disposal, namely, arrests
racial disparities: African-American students arrested out of proportion.
Focus on public order that could be dealt with in a non-criminal manner, rather than through the court
WPD: does seem to be a bit of an open question as to their role; contract or MOU related to that relationship
Excellent as to documentation that relates to that relationship
Biancheria: staff in our schools; decision making process
motion asking for more details on agreement with WPD
new laws around expulsions and suspensions; have yet to receive information (admin was still waiting to hear from state)
O'Connell: summary of where they (WPD) are housed, what their duties are, how they are funded
PBIS: added as there is interest from schools
There does not appear to be a current written MOU between the Worcester Public Schools and the Worcester Police Department about their interaction in the schools: motion to create one if one does not exist

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