Thursday, January 20, 2011

School Committee for Jan. 20: EAW president addresses the committee

Len Zaluskas (as is becoming a tradition) addressing the committee on PCBs:
"we need support from the members of this clean up dangerous levels of PCBs" at four schools...
The PCBs are in cauking at Doherty, Mill Swan, North, and Burncoat Middle...
"told that there is no proof that PCBs cause cancer in humans"
"especially concerned about the preschool students at Mill Swan"
"recently filed an unfair labor practice" with the state...union has the right to test a workplace for hazards
contaminated dust...ventilation
asking for testing, asking for results of accordance with EPA
asking that Mill Swan and Burncoat Middle get new windows
cleaning ventilation system..twice..plan on taking care of issues

Boone responds that the district has created and is implementing the environmental plan for the district (and that includes PCBs, among much else)
also the five year plan (with increased capital funds voted by the committee and by Council) for rehab allows for much to be done on aging buildings

O'Brien mentions that there is a grievance pending and thus comment must be limited and circumspect.
O'Connell makes a motion for an update on the environmental plan...also mentions the consideration of specific buildings
Monfredo asks if we can have the ventilation of those four schools cleaned out...O'Brien points out that we have a grievance pending and this deals with that issue

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