Saturday, May 8, 2010

District Analysis and Review system

which they're calling DART...I don't know where the T comes from...

42 indicators that a snapshot of school and district performance (District Analysis and Review)
inputs and outputs (percentage of net school spending, kids eligible for free and reduced lunch, quality of MCAS writing, ratio of arts teachers to students in gr. K-8...and lots more that we send the state anyway; they're putting it all together)
input data and use it in helpful ways: decent use of data
comparision community: 10 communities that are most similiar (most telling data point is % of kids eligible for free and reduced lunch; no shocker there): chart of state average, your trend, trend of comparison community
use that data to inform the action plan
there is now a searchable data based of all teachers' contracts in the Commonwealth; working with school business managers association to make that useful

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