Monday, May 10, 2010

aMAzing teachers?

And okay, points to whoever came up with the title...nice one

The state of Massachusetts is rolling out their new search for teachers in underperforming schools today. You'll find their website, aMAzing teachers (get it?) here. You can also find them on Twitter and Facebook, they say, 'though those links just get you the state Elementary and Secondary department.
The Globe gave them a front page article on it, including this telling tidbit, "A private foundation in Boston provided funding for the site."

Oh, really? I wonder where the money's coming from this time. UPDATE: I'm told it's coming from the Boston Foundation. Yes, that was what I'd feared...

The stakeholders' groups are just being generated in some places--in Worcester, they have their first meeting this week--so how this is going to interact with teachers who are in place (I've heard that most in Worcester at Union Hill and Chandler Elementary are opting to stay, 'though we'll see), the new principals, the stakeholder plans, and teacher union contracts (which, no, are not superseded by Level 4 status), is all a bit unclear.

UPDATE: Here's a teacher's take.

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