Thursday, March 18, 2010

General business

Belmont School donors: $500 or above invited to attend on April 15: great list

The big read this year is Edgar Allen Poe

Soliciting book donations for the "Give a Book" program

better information for parents both on web and at Parent Information Center about magnets, other programs

outstanding three year review from the Federal Office of Worcester Head Start

meeting with federal delegation about ESEA re-authorization

WEDF 2pm on Sunday at Mechanics Hall



Neil and Joan said...

The Head Start program was in my division. I can personally say that the district is very fortunate to have such a great Head Start Director as Ro Franchi. This program consistantly receives award for the excellent work it does.

T-Traveler said...

did you see this report from the city's independeny auditors. It identifies the poor job being done by the school dpt office of finance and operations managing student activity fund checking accounts, also encumbrances are being done wrong as well